Sunday, December 23, 2007

Winter Solstice

Last night the wind was blowing, the temperature was dropping, and I was thinking, "Thank goodness I don't have to go out tomorrow!" Today the sun is shining, taking off that 27-degree chill quite rapidly, and it might actually become a nice day. But I still don't have to go out if I don't want to... I can sit in my pajamas with the cat at my feet and try out this new blog.

Here in Texas the turning of the seasons is not quite the big deal it becomes further north. We have 80 degree weather until one day a "blue norther" blows in, and suddenly it becomes winter for a few days. But we never have to put away the short-sleeved shirts, or put on the snow tires.

We celebrate, however, in the same ways our northern ancestors did. A tree with lights. A carol service. Candles and spiced wassail. Yet a few southern traditions, more in keeping with the weather, belong to us too. A posadas procession. Luminarias along the edge of a pathway. A pinata for the children and long, slow barbecue for dinner.

Season's Greetings to all!

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